Which kinds of dogs is grain-free dog food suitable for?
Grain-free dog food is suitable for all healthy adult dogs. Grain-free dog food is particularly essential for dogs that suffer from an intolerance or food allergy to grains to avoid any undesirable reactions such as digestive problems or food allergy symptoms. Furthermore, it may be advisable to avoid grains for other nutritional reasons, such as a low-calorie diet in the case of overweight dogs or other dietary measures when your pet is suffering from an acute or chronic illness.
What does “grain-free food” mean?
Grain-free dog food does not contain any grains or pseudo grains and is therefore also gluten-free. The grain-free Terra Canis menus are made up of meat, vegetables, fruit and herbs as well as natural additives.
What are the advantages of grain-free food?
If your dog has an intolerance or allergy to grains, the advantage of grain-free food is that there will be fewer or no allergic symptoms when feeding grain-free menus, if they do not contain any other known allergens that the dog reacts to. A grain-free diet also offers advantages for dogs who have to watch their weight, as the absence of grains also means less carbohydrates in the bowl. Similarly, a grain-free diet can be the right choice nutritionally for acute or chronic inflammatory events, metabolic problems and chronic disease symptoms.
Is the grain-free range suitable for puppies?
The grain-free menus in the grain-free range are balanced for adult dogs and are therefore not suitable for puppies and growing dogs. The Terra Canis
puppy range is designed for puppies, with a recipe that nutritionally supports healthy growth during the growth phase. An increased amount of oyster shell in the Terra Canis puppy menus provides sufficient calcium for healthy bone growth and joints. The perfect ratio of calcium to phosphorus has been balanced for each puppy meal.
Is grain-free dog food suitable for allergy sufferers?
In the case of a food allergy, the menu that does not contain known allergens is suitable for the dog. If the dog is only allergic to grains, grain-free dog food is suitable for this dog with a food allergy. However, the Terra Canis
hypoallergenic range menus are generally more suitable for the diagnosis and treatment of a food allergy of unknown or known origin. These consist of a single exotic meat variety, which is supplemented by a single vegetable variety and a balanced vitamin and mineral mix to form a complete menu and are considered to be hypoallergenic due to this reduced variety of ingredients.
What is the difference between the grain-free and classic menus?
The grain-free and
classic ranges from Terra Canis differ in their composition. While the classic menus contain 5-10% grains or pseudo-grains, the grain-free menus contain absolutely no grains (or pseudo-grains). If there is an increased need for carbohydrates or energy and there is no intolerance to grains, the classic range is a very suitable range with menus for healthy adult dogs. For dogs with an intolerance to grains or whose owners wish to feed them a grain-free diet out of conviction, the grain-free menus in the Terra Canis grain-free range are the right choice.
Do I need to add anything to the grain-free food to make it balanced?
The Terra Canis grain-free menus are supplemented with a balanced vitamin and mineral mix to ensure that the dog’s complete daily requirements are covered. It is therefore not necessary to add anything else to the menus. Nutritional supplements such as healthy
oils or
herbal mixtures can, however, be readily added in times of particular stress, when moulting or as an everyday supplement to further support the dog.