Herbal Heroes Life Guard – for a strong immune system

  • 100% Human-grade quality of all ingredients
  • Supplement with the power of nature
  • Dietary supplement with medicinal herbs and Bach flowers
  • Immune-boosting
  • Developed in conjunction with a lecturer from the European Academy for Naturopathic and Environmental Medicine
0.1 kg
Art.No. 97025 ·€123.50 / 1 kg
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immune protection


Active ingredients from nature


Grain & gluten-free


100% natural


Developed with veterinarians


Cleavers, echinacea herb, buckthorn berry, chokeberry, rose hip peel, elderberry, stinging nettle leaf, cornflower, pussy toe, pomegranate seed, Bach flower essence (rescue blend with gentian)

Life Guard – resisting rough times with a strong immune system

The immune system has to recognize which substances are unfavourable and which ones have to be "waved through" because they are useful or even have endogenous structures. An important and extremely complicated task, which the immune system masters! In some times it is more strained than on other days: after illness, in bad care or in other stressful situations of everyday life. Here the Terra Canis herbal hero "Life Guard" helps to set up the dog's defences more effectively and support the immune system. Vitamin C suppliers such as sea buckthorn, pomegranate and chokeberries are complemented by other representatives such as cleavers and echinacea as well as a Bach flower Rescue blend with gentian - a truly heroic combination for the immune system.

Dietary supplement for dogs.

Content: 100g

About the Terra Canis HERBAL HEROES
Whether in Ancient Greece, Indian Ayurveda therapy, the teachings of Hildegard of Bingen, or traditional Chinese medicine: Herbs have always played a major role in medicine. Tradition has it that people used to learn the use of medicinal herbs by watching animals and thus learned the effects of these herbs. This is exemplified by the chamois which instinctively eat a specific herb when bitten by a snake. This herb staunches the poison. Also bears know which herbs strengthen them and give them energy after coming out of hibernation in spring.
To date there are over 250,000 medicinal herbs known for their healing and health-promoting effects. Many have already been verified in scientific studies. Western medicine also increasingly uses naturopathy accompanying the classical medicine.

Herbal Heroes is the first product to provide a combination of medicinal herbs and Bach flowers. With its Herbal Heroes, Terra Canis presents a completely new product concept in the field of food supplement and naturopathy. The ten Terra Canis heroes are targeted at the common dog diseases and complaints: stomach & bowel, fear & anxiety, coat & eyes, joints & bones, immune system, heart & arteries, kidney & urinary tract, metabolism & diet, respiratory system and sexual dysfunction. For these products, the herbs known for the respective complaints in naturopathy are mixed together. The appropriate Bach flowers are sprayed on these blends and dried.

Suitable for dogs of all breeds and ages, as a multi-week regimen or as a daily dietary supplement.
The Bach flowers and herbs are of medicine quality and are regularly assessed. Developed with a veterinarian & specialist from the European Academy for Natural Medicine and Environmental Medicine.

Analytical components

Protein: 8.5 % fat content: 5.2 % crude fibre: 19.8 % crude ash: 5.4 %

Feeding recommendation

Dog’s weight - Feeding recommendation/day:

Up to 10 kg 0,5 teaspoon
Up to 20 kg 1 teaspoon
Up to 40 kg 2 teaspoons
From 40 kg 3 teaspoons



Wichtige Information im Umgang mit dem Produkt!!!

Die Kräuter sind SUPER, eine tolle Mischung und mein Hund frisst sie gerne und die Kräuter tun ihm gut, aber leider sind in dem Produkt SEHR SPITZE !!! harte Schalen und andere spitze teilchen enthalten, starke VERLETZUNGSGEFAHR !!!(von den Sanddornbeeren und andere Pflanzenteilchen) ich sortiere sie vorab raus und kontrolliere dann noch mal die Kräutermischung auf spitze Sachen. Auf der Packung steht das man die Kräuter ins Futter "einweichen " soll, reicht aber nicht.Man kann die spitzen Schalen von den Sanddornbeeren separat in Wasser legen und sobald sie weich sind ,mit verwenden.

Mayu, 09.01.2019

Opi wird immunisiert

Also es ist so : Frauchen hat mir Leibgarde für´s Immunsystem gekauft da ich recht alt bin und da ist ihr alles natürliche für mich lieber ist als chemisches . Es riecht sehr gut u. unter mein Futter gemischt esse ich es ohne Allüren ... < mein Kumpel der Strahlemann bekommt übrigens auch > Frauchen fragt sich ,ob es hiermit zu tun hat das ich nach drei Wochen Einnahme, wieder etwas fitter wirke :)

Turbo, 07.12.2016