We help you find the perfect food for your dog

Our Terra Canis online nutritionist is to assist you by recommending the best possible food for your dog from our range. It is designed so that once you have filled in all the details about your dog, it will suggest a suitable combination of wet food, supplements and snacks. You can then order these with a one-off introductory discount of 15% off.

It is also possible to create several profiles and thus receive individual food recommendations for different dogs as well as adjust them at any time.

The idea to offer you an online nutritionist developed from our customers’ requests and queries. It is not always obvious which food should be the right one and different living conditions, intolerances and diseases or increasing age can also be a challenge. We have integrated all these points into our online nutritionist to be able to offer you the best possible food recommendation.  

We have listed a few examples to show you the online nutritionist process.  

We hope that we can help you with this and are of course always available if you have any other questions.

Your dog

The online nutritionist needs some information to be able to recommend the ideal food for your dog. Please fill in the following details

  • Your dog’s name.
  • The breed of your dog can be selected using the drop-down menu, which is sorted alphabetically. If you have a crossbreed, please select “small, medium or large dog”.
  • Simply enter your dog’s date of birth directly in the field or using the fold-out calendar.
  • With the three images next to the date of birth, you can select which phase of life your dog is in: puppy, adult or senior.
  • In the next field, enter your dog’s current weight.
  • Then we still need the gender and if they are spayed or neutered, please check the box.
  • You also have the option of uploading a picture of your four-legged friend.

Nutritional status & activity

In the next step, the online nutritionist needs more detailed information about your dog’s nutritional status and activity level. Please try to assess your dog as objectively as possible.

You can assess your dog’s weight condition as follows:
  • Your dog is underweight if you can see the ribs and hip bones when it’s standing or if the waist narrows a lot after the rib cage towards the abdomen when you’re looking down on it.
  • Your dog is slightly underweight if you can easily see the back ribs while the dog is walking and you can see a slightly narrowed waist after the rib cage towards the abdomen when you’re looking down on it.
  • Your dog is of normal weight if you cannot see the ribs when standing but can easily feel them with the flat of your hand without applying any pressure and if you can see a slightly narrowed waist after the rib cage when you’re looking down on your dog. 
  • Your dog is slightly overweight if you can only feel the ribs with the flat of your hand when applying pressure and if no waist is visible.  
  • Your dog is overweight if you can only feel the ribs with the flat of your hand when applying a bit more pressure and if no waist is visible

You can assess the activity level as follows:
  • Your dog is always very active if you do sporting activities with your dog several times a week (e.g. hiking, jogging, cycling, dog sports) and go for walks.
  • Your dog is very active if you sometimes do sporting activities with your dog during the week and go for walks.
  • Your dog is moderately active if you regularly take it for long walks.
  • Your dog is not very active if you mainly take it for short walks.
  • Your dog is hardly active at all if, for example, it is sick or old and you don’t walk it much.

Next steps – Specific nutritional status

On the online nutritionist’s next pages you can still answer questions about allergies, intolerances, diseases, special food and nutritional supplements, so that we can adapt our recommendation even better to your dog’s needs.

You will then see a summary of your entries to check them.

Our recommendation for your dog

On the last page you will receive up to three recommendations per product category. Here we show you a selection of wet food types, matched to your information. As well as suitable supplements and snacks, which are put together to suit your dog’s needs. 
Use the arrows below the product suggestion to view the different recommendations. Clicking the product’s shopping basket icon opens the detailed view and you can select the amount you want. Click the heart to add it to your watch list. You must be registered for this though.

Our tip: If you have several dogs, we recommend that you create a separate pet profile for each animal even before you place the order. This is the only way you can benefit from the 15% introductory discount for every dog, as this can only be redeemed once per customer.

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