
Erfahrungen unserer Kunden

Hier finden Sie Feedbacks unserer Kunden. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn auch Sie von Ihren Erfahrungen berichten wollen. 

Nele L.

Nele L.

I simply have to share my feedback! I have had the incredible good fortune to get two dogs who are extremely sensitive to foods of all kinds.
Jennifer Neubauer

Jennifer Neubauer

Hey everyone! After the castration of my dog, we lost control and she gained a lot of weight. We consulted two vets and neither diet food nor more physical activity solved this problem. I engaged myself in dog food then and after a TV report about your fo
Astrid Mrtz

Astrid Mrtz

Dear Terra Canis team, I would also like to thank you for your excellent food. Chaplin has exocrine pancreas insufficiency and is thus extremely sensitive and vulnerable. He only tolerates light food. He gets your wet food “Horse with fennel”, and if
Ursula Schu

Ursula Schu

Dear Terra Canis team, We’ve been feeding our dog your products for approximately 5 years and we are very happy that you’re here, that you always improve yourself further and launch great new products.
Laura Berwanger

Laura Berwanger

Dear Terra Canis team, For approximately more than two months, I’ve been feeding my dog your food. Starting with the grain-free “Light” line, my Chester has lost more than two kilos. He’s so agile and his coat has become so shiny (and he almost no
Nicole Baer

Nicole Baer

Dear Ms. Ornau, Yesterday we weighed Pepper to control his weight because my husband was afraid he gained weight again as he loves his new food. But the nice and positive surprise is that he constantly loses weight. 700g since the last weighing has been a